Tuesday, October 18, 2016

SPECIAL NOTICE: Replacing Bad Drive With SSD Drive/Returning Soon!

Hello Friends,

As it is obvious, I have not been able to do much uploading this year.  I've had a lot going on as I try and stay afloat in this costly world we live in.  I just have not had time to add shows and really have barely downloaded many because of the time constraints (it takes me a while to do this with my vision) and with just normal life in general for a lot of this year.  But that is about to change.

I finally am back to a point where I can start uploading again.  But now my hard drive has failed on my main PC and I am in the process of buying and replacing the drive with a new solid state drive (SSD).  These SSD's last so much longer and have no moving parts to break down.  And they are much, much faster too.  I hope to have everything restored and up and running by sometime next week.  I hate to give a time frame since they never seem to happen like I think they will.  But either way, it won't be much longer.

So if you've enjoyed getting shows here in the past, keep a lookout for new ones real soon.

Until then...



  1. Awesome to hear you'll soon be back on track Bootradr. The uploads you make available are greatly appreciated, especially the Zeppelin ones!
    I hope that with the sight problem that you have that something can be done to improve it and give you more of your life back.
    Many thanks for all the hard work you put into maintaining your site and for creating it in the first place.
    Best regards,

  2. Thank you Dave for your kind comments. Things that still been slow as far as returning go but I did get the new drive and I should hopefully be coming back up again after Thanksgiving and before Christmas. It's been a rough and tough year butt I expect it all to improve soon and this next year should take off much better. In fact, hopefully it will take off like a Led Zeppelin :-)
