This is the place for free live concerts and rare audio/video recordings. All posts are NOT officially released material. Nothing is for sale and everything is for free downloading & sharing only. My favorites are Led Zeppelin, Journey, and Feist. But you will find so much more too as this blog progresses because I love music! This site will primarily be a FLAC audio and DVD sharing site with a few rare exceptions. Thank you, and enjoy the show... Bootradr
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Journey: 2011-09-24 Dallas, TX (FLAC Bootradr Master AUD_2 CD)
It’s about time for an uncirculated (as of 2012-04-24) Journey show isn’t it? I forgot why I waited so long to do anything with this show until I had a PM requesting information I’d posted about sharing it “soon”. This show came so close to being a perfect recording, but unfortunately, I was not able to see the record level and was concentrating more on the video camera. Therefore, the recording level was just a little too high. It’s not a complete loss like I’ve had with some other recordings before. In fact, it sounds quite good in many parts. It sounds great on/in the quieter songs and musical moments especially.
I’ve recorded every Journey show (and many other artists too) in Dallas since 1999 and many in Austin, San Antonio, and Houston too. And since Megaupload has disappeared, well, they all need to be re-uploaded. I’m still holding off on uploading too much to FileFactory because I have so many uploads fail after they’ve reached their 100% mark. FileFactory is costing me money every month due to my ISP’s new bandwidth limitations (grrrrr).
Anyhow, it’s time to get this show on the road! Any there will be more to follow. I’ll be uploading the Journey shows to my blog first and to my friends at Arrive Alive (the Journey forum). But I firmly believe in sharing music, and as long as it is being traded and shared for free, I could care less who gets it or what they do with it. Recording, collecting, listening and watching, and sharing is what makes it great to me. Keep it free for all!
Artist: Journey
Location: Dallas, Texas
Venue: Amphitheatre
Date: July 24th, 2011
Title: “Best Concert Ever” (it’s not, but you can understand where the title comes from if you listen to the last few seconds of CD 2)
CDs: 2
Length: 1 hour, 25 minutes
Zoom H2 digital recorder @ 44.1 kHz/16 bit WAV > SD Card > PC > AVS Audio Editor (attenuated 2.2 db) > Roxio Sound Editor 2010 (fade in/out, tracked, & named) > Trader’s Little Helper (encoded as FLAC 6 & created ffp file) > torrent & WinRAR’ed for various uploads > you
CD 1:
101. intro
102. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
103. Ask The Lonely
104. Send Her My Love
105. City Of Hope
106. Faithfully
107. Neal Schon (guitar solo)
108. Stone In Love
109. Escape
110. Lights
CD 2:
201. Neal Schon (guitar intro into…)
202. Wheel In The Sky
203. Jonathan Cain (piano solo)
204. Open Arms
205. La Do Da
206. Be Good To Yourself
207. Anyway You Want It
208. crowd (encore)
209. Don’t Stop Believin’
210. Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’
Hotfile Link:
FileFactory Mirror Link:
Enjoy the show…
Evanescence: 2012-04-22 Frisco, TX (Bootradr Master AUD Shot DVD)
While Edgefest 22 (22nd year) in the D/FW metroplex had a terrible line up of bands this year, two bands stood out and I considered enjoyable. All others were a total waste of time. Evanescence and Garbage put on good shows, and as would be expected, their performances came at the end of the day/night.
There were a few issues with recording both bands. The wind was blowing pretty good and I did not remember to bring my foam microphone guard to place over the Zoom H4n microphones. So, at least on the Evanescence show, the Zoom H4n did not get a good recording. I was also recording with a Zoom H2 and it did a much better job of not encountering the wind issue. But it still had wind issues too (it wasn't exempt). I used the Zoom H2 audio and synchronized it with this video for this Evanescence show being uploaded here. Since the Sony camcorder's microphone never does a great job, and the better Zoom H4n had severe wind issues, I'm glad I had the backup Zoom H2 digital audio recorder!!!
Another issue with the whole Edgefest 22 event was the sound on the south stage. This event was held in the FC Dallas Stadium/Pizza Hut Park Stadium venue. Picture an outdoor American football stadium and you know what the venue looked like. At the end of the Evanescence video I pan from the stage they were on (south) to the stage at the other end of the field (north) so viewers can get an idea of the setup. Anyhow, the sound on the south stage was not good. All day the bands on that stage sounded "muted" or just not mixed right from the soundboard. I did EQ the Zoom H2 audio of Evanescence's show on the south stage before overdubbing the audio track to the DVD project. It definitely needed the help.
So here's a rundown on the Evanescence show details, DVD details, and lineage details.
Location: Frisco, Texas
Venue: FC Dallas Stadium/Pizza Hut Park Stadium
Event: Edgefest 22 (2012)
Date: April 22nd, 2012
Format: NTSC
Frames: 29.97 fps
Video Codec: MPEG-2
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (Widescreen)
Video Bitrate: 9100 kbps average
Audio Codec: mpg2 (originally AC3 from camera but software only outputs mpg2)
Audio Bitrate: 224 kbps
Menus: Yes (audio used on menus is from Evanescence's March 2012 Offenbach show)
Chapters: Yes
WinRAR File Size: 2.77 GB total (6 zipped files)
Unzipped File Size: 3.02 GB total (DVD)
(1) Sony DCR-SR85 Handycam with Carl Zeiss lens
(2) Zoom H4n Digital Recorder (recorded @ 96 kHz 24 bit audio)
(3) Zoom H2 Digital Recorder (recorded @ 48 kHz 24 bit audio)
DVD audio track recorded on Zoom H2 digital audio recorder @ 48 kHz 24 bit, and then amplified with AVS Audio Editor by 4.4 db. I then clipped the audio track to synchronize with the video and converted it to 44.1 kHz 16 bit audio (CD standard) using CD Wave Editor. I then EQ'ed and cleaned up the audio with Roxio 2010 Sound Editor. After all of this, I used AVS Video Editor to overlay the Zoom H2 audio track and turn off the video's native audio track and then to create superimposed text at start of video. I then then exported the video with the same format/attributes that it was recorded in using a Sony DCR-SR85 camcorder (except the AC3 audio output). And finally, I opened the video in AVS DVD Author and created menus, chapters, etc. and rendered it to DVD. After that, all that was left was to use Trader's Little Helper to create the md5 checksum file and then WinRAR to zip the non torrent upload files.
01. What You Want
02. Going Under
03. The Other Side
04. Made Of Stone
05. My Heart Is Broken
06. My Immortal
07. The Change
08. Call Me When You're Sober
09. Imaginary
10. Bring Me To Life
NOTES: (1) I never use digital zoom (only optical) to avoid blurry or pixel related issues. Nevertheless, there are still times, when zooming in, the video degrades in quality. It frustrates the heck out of me, but what can you do? (2) I had much higher hopes of this being an excellent audio/video recording. But it isn't excellent. It is very watchable, but due to issues described and software and equipment limitations, there are some frustrating imperfections in the final production. I don't mean to discourage anyone from downloading or checking out the DVD. I just don't want any false hopes either. It's a good production, but it is not the excellent one as I had hoped for :-( And last but not least (3), I am looking for better video and audio software to create better productions. Simple things, like working with the Zoom H2's 48 kHz 24 bit audio in Roxio cannot be done. It has to be converted to the CD standard 44.1 kHz 16 bit setting. That's just plain stupid. And not being to output the DVD's audio in AVS as the native AC3 audio is another issue I have with that software. I'm not always happy with AVS' video rendering either. But, even though the production may "look cool", you get what you pay for. I HATE Roxio products and desperately want to upgrade from AVS video products (Roxio 2010 Pro's video production has never worked). Short story lengthened, I'm saving, looking, and still learning the in's and out's of this passion/hobby I love so much. And I'm striving for the best productions I can create.
With all of the above stuff just being said, don't skip downloading this show because you expect it to be horrible. Believe me, that is not the case :-)
I guess after all of this yakking it's about time I add the links.
FileFactory Links:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Dime Torrent -
NOTE: I created a torrent and posted it on Dime. If your a Dime member, you'll know what to do. If not, sign up for a free account and READ THE RULES. Keep your sharing ratio at 0.25% or higher so as to not get banned. It's a much faster download almost always! Here's the link...and back to the original blog post now.
I did record the full Garbage show too, so whether I use the same software or something new, I'll surely make a DVD of it before too long. I hope all who check this show out enjoy it...
There were a few issues with recording both bands. The wind was blowing pretty good and I did not remember to bring my foam microphone guard to place over the Zoom H4n microphones. So, at least on the Evanescence show, the Zoom H4n did not get a good recording. I was also recording with a Zoom H2 and it did a much better job of not encountering the wind issue. But it still had wind issues too (it wasn't exempt). I used the Zoom H2 audio and synchronized it with this video for this Evanescence show being uploaded here. Since the Sony camcorder's microphone never does a great job, and the better Zoom H4n had severe wind issues, I'm glad I had the backup Zoom H2 digital audio recorder!!!
Another issue with the whole Edgefest 22 event was the sound on the south stage. This event was held in the FC Dallas Stadium/Pizza Hut Park Stadium venue. Picture an outdoor American football stadium and you know what the venue looked like. At the end of the Evanescence video I pan from the stage they were on (south) to the stage at the other end of the field (north) so viewers can get an idea of the setup. Anyhow, the sound on the south stage was not good. All day the bands on that stage sounded "muted" or just not mixed right from the soundboard. I did EQ the Zoom H2 audio of Evanescence's show on the south stage before overdubbing the audio track to the DVD project. It definitely needed the help.
So here's a rundown on the Evanescence show details, DVD details, and lineage details.
Location: Frisco, Texas
Venue: FC Dallas Stadium/Pizza Hut Park Stadium
Event: Edgefest 22 (2012)
Date: April 22nd, 2012
Format: NTSC
Frames: 29.97 fps
Video Codec: MPEG-2
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (Widescreen)
Video Bitrate: 9100 kbps average
Audio Codec: mpg2 (originally AC3 from camera but software only outputs mpg2)
Audio Bitrate: 224 kbps
Menus: Yes (audio used on menus is from Evanescence's March 2012 Offenbach show)
Chapters: Yes
WinRAR File Size: 2.77 GB total (6 zipped files)
Unzipped File Size: 3.02 GB total (DVD)
(1) Sony DCR-SR85 Handycam with Carl Zeiss lens
(2) Zoom H4n Digital Recorder (recorded @ 96 kHz 24 bit audio)
(3) Zoom H2 Digital Recorder (recorded @ 48 kHz 24 bit audio)
DVD audio track recorded on Zoom H2 digital audio recorder @ 48 kHz 24 bit, and then amplified with AVS Audio Editor by 4.4 db. I then clipped the audio track to synchronize with the video and converted it to 44.1 kHz 16 bit audio (CD standard) using CD Wave Editor. I then EQ'ed and cleaned up the audio with Roxio 2010 Sound Editor. After all of this, I used AVS Video Editor to overlay the Zoom H2 audio track and turn off the video's native audio track and then to create superimposed text at start of video. I then then exported the video with the same format/attributes that it was recorded in using a Sony DCR-SR85 camcorder (except the AC3 audio output). And finally, I opened the video in AVS DVD Author and created menus, chapters, etc. and rendered it to DVD. After that, all that was left was to use Trader's Little Helper to create the md5 checksum file and then WinRAR to zip the non torrent upload files.
01. What You Want
02. Going Under
03. The Other Side
04. Made Of Stone
05. My Heart Is Broken
06. My Immortal
07. The Change
08. Call Me When You're Sober
09. Imaginary
10. Bring Me To Life
NOTES: (1) I never use digital zoom (only optical) to avoid blurry or pixel related issues. Nevertheless, there are still times, when zooming in, the video degrades in quality. It frustrates the heck out of me, but what can you do? (2) I had much higher hopes of this being an excellent audio/video recording. But it isn't excellent. It is very watchable, but due to issues described and software and equipment limitations, there are some frustrating imperfections in the final production. I don't mean to discourage anyone from downloading or checking out the DVD. I just don't want any false hopes either. It's a good production, but it is not the excellent one as I had hoped for :-( And last but not least (3), I am looking for better video and audio software to create better productions. Simple things, like working with the Zoom H2's 48 kHz 24 bit audio in Roxio cannot be done. It has to be converted to the CD standard 44.1 kHz 16 bit setting. That's just plain stupid. And not being to output the DVD's audio in AVS as the native AC3 audio is another issue I have with that software. I'm not always happy with AVS' video rendering either. But, even though the production may "look cool", you get what you pay for. I HATE Roxio products and desperately want to upgrade from AVS video products (Roxio 2010 Pro's video production has never worked). Short story lengthened, I'm saving, looking, and still learning the in's and out's of this passion/hobby I love so much. And I'm striving for the best productions I can create.
With all of the above stuff just being said, don't skip downloading this show because you expect it to be horrible. Believe me, that is not the case :-)
I guess after all of this yakking it's about time I add the links.
FileFactory Links:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Dime Torrent -
NOTE: I created a torrent and posted it on Dime. If your a Dime member, you'll know what to do. If not, sign up for a free account and READ THE RULES. Keep your sharing ratio at 0.25% or higher so as to not get banned. It's a much faster download almost always! Here's the link...and back to the original blog post now.
I did record the full Garbage show too, so whether I use the same software or something new, I'll surely make a DVD of it before too long. I hope all who check this show out enjoy it...
Friday, April 20, 2012
Feist: 2012-03-11 Zurich, Switzerland (FLAC_AUD_2 CD)
Here's a great, recent 2 CD recording from a Switzerland show Feist performed last month. And here are the show's details.
Artist: Feist
Venue: Volkshaus
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Date: March 11th, 2012
Source: Audience Recording
Format: FLAC
Additional Details: 2 CD show with an md5 checksum file
CD 1:
101. Undiscovered First
102. A Commotion
103. Graveyard
104. How Come You Never Go There
105. Mushaboom
106. The Circle Married The Line
107. My Moon My Man
108. I Feel It All
109. So Sorry
110. Anti-Pioneer
111. The Bad In Each Other
112. Pine Moon/Black Lake
CD 2:
201. Comfort Me
202. Caught A Long Wind
203. Get It Wrong Get It Right
204. crowd (encore 1)
205. Secret Heart
206. Cicadas And Gulls
207. Sealion
208. Let It Die
209. crowd (encore 2)
210. Intuition
FileFactory Mirror Link:
I hope you enjoy this great show...
Artist: Feist
Venue: Volkshaus
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Date: March 11th, 2012
Source: Audience Recording
Format: FLAC
Additional Details: 2 CD show with an md5 checksum file
CD 1:
101. Undiscovered First
102. A Commotion
103. Graveyard
104. How Come You Never Go There
105. Mushaboom
106. The Circle Married The Line
107. My Moon My Man
108. I Feel It All
109. So Sorry
110. Anti-Pioneer
111. The Bad In Each Other
112. Pine Moon/Black Lake
CD 2:
201. Comfort Me
202. Caught A Long Wind
203. Get It Wrong Get It Right
204. crowd (encore 1)
205. Secret Heart
206. Cicadas And Gulls
207. Sealion
208. Let It Die
209. crowd (encore 2)
210. Intuition
FileFactory Mirror Link:
I hope you enjoy this great show...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Evanescence: 2012-01-21 North Little Rock, AR (Pro Shot DVD)
Here is a show that surfaced recently from Evanescence near their hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas. It's great quality.
Here are the original uploaders remarks:
Menu and chapters
SIZE: 941 MB
VIDEO: MPEG-2, 720X576, 16/9, PAL, 25 fps, variable bitrate between 2-3 mbps
AUDIO: MPEG-1 Layer 2, stereo, 192 kbps, 48 khz
Verizon Arena (2012/01/21)
Little Rock, AR
42 mn 26s
- What You Want
- Going Under
- The Other Side
- Made Of Stone
- Lost In Paradise
- My Heart Is Broken
- My Immortal
- Call Me When You're Sober
- Your Star
- Bring Me To Life
This is the DVB stream (untouched, 100% digital, no loss)
MTV Italy broadcast (PAL)
Partial set
Special thanks to survivor69 for recording and sharing the source
- Please make some artwork for this DVD
- Seed for the other fans when you are done
- DO NOT SELL THAT DVD ON EBAY!!!!! I will be checking for auctions and reporting sellers
Made by the fans for the fans, you know who you are! Enjoy
FileFactory Link:
Like the original uploader said, enjoy...
Here are the original uploaders remarks:
Menu and chapters
SIZE: 941 MB
VIDEO: MPEG-2, 720X576, 16/9, PAL, 25 fps, variable bitrate between 2-3 mbps
AUDIO: MPEG-1 Layer 2, stereo, 192 kbps, 48 khz
Verizon Arena (2012/01/21)
Little Rock, AR
42 mn 26s
- What You Want
- Going Under
- The Other Side
- Made Of Stone
- Lost In Paradise
- My Heart Is Broken
- My Immortal
- Call Me When You're Sober
- Your Star
- Bring Me To Life
This is the DVB stream (untouched, 100% digital, no loss)
MTV Italy broadcast (PAL)
Partial set
Special thanks to survivor69 for recording and sharing the source
- Please make some artwork for this DVD
- Seed for the other fans when you are done
- DO NOT SELL THAT DVD ON EBAY!!!!! I will be checking for auctions and reporting sellers
Made by the fans for the fans, you know who you are! Enjoy
FileFactory Link:
Like the original uploader said, enjoy...
Evanescence: Compilation DVD 1 (2006-2007) (Pro Shot)
Here is the first compilation DVD of material I've recorded off-air (TV) relating to Evanescence. When I make compilation
DVDs, I almost always include everything. No mater if it's big, small,
complimenting, non-flattering, a commercial, or even mention being made
of the artist in another program, if I see it I usually add it.
This first Evanescence compilation DVD (there is a second be uploaded later most likely) almost never made it to (or off of) the DVD+/-RW. I recorded each of the items on the DVD using my first standalone DVD burner (Lite On LVW-5115GHC+) as a gift. It was (appreciated but...) “lite on” features we have in more modern standalone burners today. I was unable to create the chapters where I wanted them on this model burner. You learn to find ways to use what you got, and I did so with this project. I also learned that when you burn material to a re-writable disc from artists you like over time, you always take the most current copy and burn it to a PC! I almost lost all of this DVD+/-RW's content until Christmas 2010 when I got a new PC that read the DVD-RW I was saving the recordings too.
Some of these recordings were from HD broadcasts and some from standard definition broadcasts.
Menus: Yes
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Format: NTSC
Video Frame Rate: 29.97 fps
Video Width/Height: 720 X 480
Video Data Rate: 4620 kbps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Data Rate: 256 kbps
Audio Channels: 2
(note: this is not an indication of chapters, just recorded content)
1. Evanescence Makes A Video (“Call Me When You're Sober”) (20:40)
2. T-Minus Rock (Part 1) (10:08)
3. T-Minus Rock (Part 2) (3:53)
4. “The Open Door” album release TV commercial (00:31)
5. 2006-10-02 Conan O'Brien (“Call Me When You're Sober” live) (4:52)
6. 2006-12-14 David Letterman (“Lithium” live) (5:26)
7. Loaded: a block of Evanescence videos (“Bring Me To Life”, “Going Under”, “My Immortal”, and “Everybody's Fool”) (15:56)
8. “Lithium” video (3:53)
9. Gilmore Girls (referencing Evanescence) (00:33)
10. “Call Me When You're Sober” video (3:35)
11. 2007-05-30 Jay Leno (“Lithium” live) (4:36)
12. Chatting With Amy & Terry (Sydney, Australia 2007) (I recorded this interview with a Mini-DV camcorder directly off an LG 37” plasma TV screen I had hooked up to a PC at the time) (12:47)
13. “Sweet Sacrifice” video (3:15)
14. Smallville (Evanescence music being played) (3:08)
15. 2007 Family Values Tour commercial 1 (tried to delete but this is where I now know the original DVD problems started occurring and I couldn't delete it) (00:37)
16. 2007 Family Values Tour commercial 2 (00:35)
17. 2007-09-11 TMZ (making fun of Amy Lee) (00:21)
18. 2007-10-15 The View (“Good Enough” live) (3:55)
19. 2007-10-20 The Sauce (“Call Me When You're Sober” live, Amy Lee interviewed, and “Good Enough” live) (14:50)
(1) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
(2) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
(3) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
(4) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV) (new link)
(5) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
Note: on the last part of the DVD, just as “Good Enough” was about to end, the DVD had reached it's broken stage and became useless until December 2010 when it finally worked in the newer PC and let me copy it. “Good Enough” is slightly cut short at the very end of the DVD.
Remember, if you ever lose your only copy (backups recommended!!!) of a CD/DVD, don't ever trash it. You never know when another drive or device may be “good enough” or work on reading it.
This first Evanescence compilation DVD (there is a second be uploaded later most likely) almost never made it to (or off of) the DVD+/-RW. I recorded each of the items on the DVD using my first standalone DVD burner (Lite On LVW-5115GHC+) as a gift. It was (appreciated but...) “lite on” features we have in more modern standalone burners today. I was unable to create the chapters where I wanted them on this model burner. You learn to find ways to use what you got, and I did so with this project. I also learned that when you burn material to a re-writable disc from artists you like over time, you always take the most current copy and burn it to a PC! I almost lost all of this DVD+/-RW's content until Christmas 2010 when I got a new PC that read the DVD-RW I was saving the recordings too.
Some of these recordings were from HD broadcasts and some from standard definition broadcasts.
Menus: Yes
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Format: NTSC
Video Frame Rate: 29.97 fps
Video Width/Height: 720 X 480
Video Data Rate: 4620 kbps
Audio Codec: AC3
Audio Data Rate: 256 kbps
Audio Channels: 2
(note: this is not an indication of chapters, just recorded content)
1. Evanescence Makes A Video (“Call Me When You're Sober”) (20:40)
2. T-Minus Rock (Part 1) (10:08)
3. T-Minus Rock (Part 2) (3:53)
4. “The Open Door” album release TV commercial (00:31)
5. 2006-10-02 Conan O'Brien (“Call Me When You're Sober” live) (4:52)
6. 2006-12-14 David Letterman (“Lithium” live) (5:26)
7. Loaded: a block of Evanescence videos (“Bring Me To Life”, “Going Under”, “My Immortal”, and “Everybody's Fool”) (15:56)
8. “Lithium” video (3:53)
9. Gilmore Girls (referencing Evanescence) (00:33)
10. “Call Me When You're Sober” video (3:35)
11. 2007-05-30 Jay Leno (“Lithium” live) (4:36)
12. Chatting With Amy & Terry (Sydney, Australia 2007) (I recorded this interview with a Mini-DV camcorder directly off an LG 37” plasma TV screen I had hooked up to a PC at the time) (12:47)
13. “Sweet Sacrifice” video (3:15)
14. Smallville (Evanescence music being played) (3:08)
15. 2007 Family Values Tour commercial 1 (tried to delete but this is where I now know the original DVD problems started occurring and I couldn't delete it) (00:37)
16. 2007 Family Values Tour commercial 2 (00:35)
17. 2007-09-11 TMZ (making fun of Amy Lee) (00:21)
18. 2007-10-15 The View (“Good Enough” live) (3:55)
19. 2007-10-20 The Sauce (“Call Me When You're Sober” live, Amy Lee interviewed, and “Good Enough” live) (14:50)
(1) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
(2) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
(3) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
(4) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV) (new link)
(5) Compilation DVD 1 (Pro Shot/TV)
Note: on the last part of the DVD, just as “Good Enough” was about to end, the DVD had reached it's broken stage and became useless until December 2010 when it finally worked in the newer PC and let me copy it. “Good Enough” is slightly cut short at the very end of the DVD.
Remember, if you ever lose your only copy (backups recommended!!!) of a CD/DVD, don't ever trash it. You never know when another drive or device may be “good enough” or work on reading it.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Feist: Compilation DVD 1 (2005 - 2008) (Pro Shot DVD)
Here's a compilation DVD of an artist that's grabbed my attention over the last 2 or 3 years. Leslie Feist, with her band Feist,
has a special talent and voice that is completely different than 99% of
the music I usually like (i.e. Led Zeppelin, Journey, etc, etc). In
one way, she has the voice and singing style of a female Steve Perry
meets a female Robert Plant singer 
This DVD is a compilation of various HD broadcasts (with one non HD exception) I've recorded over the last few years via an HD satellite receiver.
I did edit and create chapters and there is a menu. I left the regular self contained (living room) Philips DVD burner unit's menu created by the unit.
Format 29.97 fps (NTSC)
Video Bitrate: 6500 kbps
Audio: AC3 stereo
Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps
Chapters/Tracked/Menu: Yes
Artwork: No
Size: 3.36 GB
Program Details & Chapters (in most cases, project is tracked where a DVD audio rip can be done without host's comments/talking, opening and/or closing program pieces, interviews, etc interfering with music tracks):
A. Beautiful Noise: Toronto 2005 (53:58)
01. program intro
02. "Secret Heart"
03. "Selion"
04. interview
05. "Mushaboom"
06. interview
07. "When I Was A Young Girl"
08. interview
09. "Gatekeeper"
10. interview
11. "Fighting Away the Tears"
12. interview
13. "Honey, Honey"
14. "I'm Sorry"
15. "Anti-Pioneer"
16. interview
17. "Let It Die"
18. ending credits
B. Montreux Jazz Festival 2005 (13: 41)
01. "Gatekeeper"
02. "Anti-Pioneer"
03. "Mushaboom"
04. ending credits
C. Saturday Night Live 2007-11-03 (7:18)
01. intro
02. "1,2,3,4"
03. "I Feel It All"
04. SNL ending
D. Conan O'Brien Show 2008-04-08 (4:42)
01. "I Feel It All"
E. Later...with Jools Holland 2008-02-05 (12:33) (only non HD broadcast)
01. program opening
02. "My Moon, My Man"
03. "1,2,4,4"
04. "Sealion"
05. program ending
And finally...the links:
FileFactory Links:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Note: I mentioned Feist's "Perry/Plant" vocal styles earlier because she exhibits a lot of both singer's styles. The music doesn't sound like Journey or Led Zeppelin in most cases either. But some songs sort of do
Anyway you look at it, I like this girl's voice and music and I hope you do too...

This DVD is a compilation of various HD broadcasts (with one non HD exception) I've recorded over the last few years via an HD satellite receiver.
I did edit and create chapters and there is a menu. I left the regular self contained (living room) Philips DVD burner unit's menu created by the unit.
Format 29.97 fps (NTSC)
Video Bitrate: 6500 kbps
Audio: AC3 stereo
Audio Bitrate: 256 kbps
Chapters/Tracked/Menu: Yes
Artwork: No
Program Details & Chapters (in most cases, project is tracked where a DVD audio rip can be done without host's comments/talking, opening and/or closing program pieces, interviews, etc interfering with music tracks):
A. Beautiful Noise: Toronto 2005 (53:58)
01. program intro
02. "Secret Heart"
03. "Selion"
04. interview
05. "Mushaboom"
06. interview
07. "When I Was A Young Girl"
08. interview
09. "Gatekeeper"
10. interview
11. "Fighting Away the Tears"
12. interview
13. "Honey, Honey"
14. "I'm Sorry"
15. "Anti-Pioneer"
16. interview
17. "Let It Die"
18. ending credits
B. Montreux Jazz Festival 2005 (13: 41)
01. "Gatekeeper"
02. "Anti-Pioneer"
03. "Mushaboom"
04. ending credits
C. Saturday Night Live 2007-11-03 (7:18)
01. intro
02. "1,2,3,4"
03. "I Feel It All"
04. SNL ending
D. Conan O'Brien Show 2008-04-08 (4:42)
01. "I Feel It All"
E. Later...with Jools Holland 2008-02-05 (12:33) (only non HD broadcast)
01. program opening
02. "My Moon, My Man"
03. "1,2,4,4"
04. "Sealion"
05. program ending
And finally...the links:
FileFactory Links:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Note: I mentioned Feist's "Perry/Plant" vocal styles earlier because she exhibits a lot of both singer's styles. The music doesn't sound like Journey or Led Zeppelin in most cases either. But some songs sort of do

Anyway you look at it, I like this girl's voice and music and I hope you do too...
Boston: 1979-06-17 East Rutherford, NJ (Pro Shot DVD)
Here is a great pro shot recording of an old Boston show at Giant's
Stadium ("The Meadowlands").
I left the extra text and html files that were in the original lossless download I found of this show to give credit to the original uploader/blogger who found this copy I'm uploading. I only re-sized/renamed the zipped files in WinRAR to have fewer (but larger) downloads and I posted new, working links I created.
Band: Boston
Location: East Rutherford, New Jersey
Venue: Giant's Stadium (The Meadowlands)
Date: June 17th, 1979
Format: NTSC
Frame Rate: 29.97 fps
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720 x 480
Audio Streams: 1
Audio Channels: 2
Audio Codec: Dolby AC3
Artwork: Yes
Menus: Yes
Chapters: Yes
DVD Length: 1:23:49
WinRAR Zipped Files Total Size: 3.53 GB (1 DVD)
Type: Pro Shot
01. Rock And Roll Band
02. Help Me
03. Peace Of Mind
04. Feelin' Satisfied
05. Don't Look Back
06. The Journey
07. More Than A Feeling
08. A Man I'll Never Be
09. Smokin'
10. Tom Scholz guitar solo
11. This Time
12. Foreplay/Long Time
13. Something About You
14. Party
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
I'd sure love to find some more early (and later) Boston videos if anyone has them. I have a few different Boston DVDs, but they range from 1987 to 200x. I don't know if any earlier audience or pro shot material exists in the trading/sharing realm or not?
Enjoy... :-)
I left the extra text and html files that were in the original lossless download I found of this show to give credit to the original uploader/blogger who found this copy I'm uploading. I only re-sized/renamed the zipped files in WinRAR to have fewer (but larger) downloads and I posted new, working links I created.
Band: Boston
Location: East Rutherford, New Jersey
Venue: Giant's Stadium (The Meadowlands)
Date: June 17th, 1979
Format: NTSC
Frame Rate: 29.97 fps
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Resolution: 720 x 480
Audio Streams: 1
Audio Channels: 2
Audio Codec: Dolby AC3
Artwork: Yes
Menus: Yes
Chapters: Yes
DVD Length: 1:23:49
WinRAR Zipped Files Total Size: 3.53 GB (1 DVD)
Type: Pro Shot
01. Rock And Roll Band
02. Help Me
03. Peace Of Mind
04. Feelin' Satisfied
05. Don't Look Back
06. The Journey
07. More Than A Feeling
08. A Man I'll Never Be
09. Smokin'
10. Tom Scholz guitar solo
11. This Time
12. Foreplay/Long Time
13. Something About You
14. Party
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
I'd sure love to find some more early (and later) Boston videos if anyone has them. I have a few different Boston DVDs, but they range from 1987 to 200x. I don't know if any earlier audience or pro shot material exists in the trading/sharing realm or not?
Enjoy... :-)
Feist: 2007-09-20 Baden-Baden, Germany + Extras (Pro Shot DVD)
Here is another great Feist concert with a few additional programs and
performances at the end. I created an NTSC version of this DVD a few
years ago, but this PAL version has the additional programming and Dolby
AC3 audio and has been rendered to the NTSC format too.
Artist: Feist
Event: SWR New Pop Festival
Location: Baden-Baden, Germany
Date: September 20th, 2007
Extras: (1) Taratata (TV program with Feist interviews and 2 songs), (2) Baden-Baden interview, and (3) Tracks (German TV program with Feist interviews and documentary)
Format: PAL
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Widescreen (one 4:3 program in bonus features)
Width/Height: 720 x 576
Bit Rate: 15,000 kbps (main concert)/9000 kbps (bonus material)
Video Codec: MPEG-2
Letterbox: No (fills screen)
DVD Size: 2.74 GB
Audio Codec 1: AC3 Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Sample Rate: 48 kHz
Bit Rate 448 kbps
Channels: 2
Audio Codec 2: mpeg2
Sample Rate 48 kHz
Bit Rate: 192 kbps
Streams: 2
Note: Either Dolby AC3 or mpeg2 audio choices can be selected from Audio Menu on DVD
(1) SWR New Pop Festival Concert (16:9 Widescreen)
01. When I Was A Young Girl
02. So Sorry
03. The Limit To Your Love
04. I Feel It All
05. Secret Heart
06. Sealion (aka Sea Lion Woman)
07. 1234
08. My Moon My Man
09. The Park
(2) Taratata (French TV Program) (4:3 aspect ratio)
01. Mushaboom (live)
02. interview (French mostly)
03. We Can Work It Out (live) (Beatles song)
04. interview (French mostly)
(3) SWR New Pop Festival Interview With Feist (16:9 Widescreen)
01. interview (English with German subtitles)
(4) Tracks (French TV Program) (16:9 Widescreen)
01. documentary, interview, live concert clips, etc (program is in French but Feist speaks in me...wish I knew what was being said)
FileFacory Links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Here's a few tracks from the NTSC DVD I uploaded to YouTube a while back (approximately 18 minutes). Any effects, such as the transitions between songs, are NOT on the DVD. I hate crunching video and/or audio down to a lossy quality format!
I hope anyone that downloads this excellent DVD enjoys it...
Artist: Feist
Event: SWR New Pop Festival
Location: Baden-Baden, Germany
Date: September 20th, 2007
Extras: (1) Taratata (TV program with Feist interviews and 2 songs), (2) Baden-Baden interview, and (3) Tracks (German TV program with Feist interviews and documentary)
Format: PAL
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Widescreen (one 4:3 program in bonus features)
Width/Height: 720 x 576
Bit Rate: 15,000 kbps (main concert)/9000 kbps (bonus material)
Video Codec: MPEG-2
Letterbox: No (fills screen)
DVD Size: 2.74 GB
Audio Codec 1: AC3 Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
Sample Rate: 48 kHz
Bit Rate 448 kbps
Channels: 2
Audio Codec 2: mpeg2
Sample Rate 48 kHz
Bit Rate: 192 kbps
Streams: 2
Note: Either Dolby AC3 or mpeg2 audio choices can be selected from Audio Menu on DVD
(1) SWR New Pop Festival Concert (16:9 Widescreen)
01. When I Was A Young Girl
02. So Sorry
03. The Limit To Your Love
04. I Feel It All
05. Secret Heart
06. Sealion (aka Sea Lion Woman)
07. 1234
08. My Moon My Man
09. The Park
(2) Taratata (French TV Program) (4:3 aspect ratio)
01. Mushaboom (live)
02. interview (French mostly)
03. We Can Work It Out (live) (Beatles song)
04. interview (French mostly)
(3) SWR New Pop Festival Interview With Feist (16:9 Widescreen)
01. interview (English with German subtitles)
(4) Tracks (French TV Program) (16:9 Widescreen)
01. documentary, interview, live concert clips, etc (program is in French but Feist speaks in me...wish I knew what was being said)
FileFacory Links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Here's a few tracks from the NTSC DVD I uploaded to YouTube a while back (approximately 18 minutes). Any effects, such as the transitions between songs, are NOT on the DVD. I hate crunching video and/or audio down to a lossy quality format!
I hope anyone that downloads this excellent DVD enjoys it...
Feist: 2011-11-08 Dallas, Texas (Bootradr Master AUD Shot_2 DVD)
Hello Traders & Collectors,
I figure that an excellent, new Feist show would make a great start to this blog's entries. Here is a show I shot right before Thanksgiving (November 2011).
Feist is an artist I have grown to really like over the last 4-5 years. She is a super talented artist and I love her voice. Her music and the way it's performed and played can (and does) change from show to show. I like that in an artist/group. While Feist's official studio releases are very good, it's her live performances that really show her talent. I'll be uploading some earlier 2004-2007 DVDs coming up. This full, uncut show is from her latest tour supporting her latest album/CD "Metals" (released October 2011).
Date: November 8th, 2011
Location: Dallas, Texas
Venue: Majestic Theatre
Length: 1 hour, 41 minutes (concert) + approximately 4-5 minutes for bonus segment.
Label: Bootradr Master
Title: Feast On Feist Dallas
Master Sony DCR-SR85 video camera hard drive > PC via USB cable > AVS Video Authoring > Trader's Little Helper > you
Sony DCR-SR85 Video Camera
Zoom H4n Digital Audio Recorder
Zoom H2 Digital Audio Recorder
Note: I have made my CD project with the Zoom H4n digital audio recorders’ audio and uploaded it here. Once I get a better grasp on Adobe Premiere Pro CE5 I will eventually create a multiple stream (standard video's audio, digital recorder's audio, and a matrix of both and in 5.1 Dolby Digital is the plan)! Plus, I'll be doing it all in the LPCM audio instead of mp2 like the program I used to create this DVD only had :-( It'll be a definite upgrade in audio and video when completed.
Menus: Yes
Chapters: Yes
Artwork: Yes (thanks to "pilgraman" (Sebastian) for creating the DVD cover!!! Ticket scans also included. NOTE: Date on cover art shows 2011-11-11, but the correct date is 2011-11-08)
DVD Lengths: DVD 1 (56:59) & DVD 2 (45:13)
DVD Size: 6.82 GB (both discs combined)
Format: NTSC
Resolution: 720 x 480
Aspect: 16:9 (Widescreen)
Frame Rate: 30 fps
Bitrate: 9400
Codec: MPEG-2
Letterbox: No (video fills screen)
Sample Rate: 48 kHz
Bitrate: 224 kbps
Codec: mp2
Channels: 2
Streams: 1
01. Undiscovered First
02. A Commotion
03. How Come You Never Go There
04. Graveyard
05. Mushaboom
06. The Circle Married The Line
07. So Sorry
08. Anti-Pioneer
09. Bittersweet Melodies
10. My Moon My Man
11. The Bad In Each Other
12. Mountain Man
13. DVD 1 credits
01. Comfort Me
02. Caught A Long Wind
03. Get It Wrong Get It Right
04. crowd <leading to encore 1>
05. Cicadas And Gulls
06. I Feel It All
07. Sealion (aka "Sea Lion Woman")
08. Let It Die
09. crowd <leading to encore 2>
10. Intuition (I mistakenly named as "Gatekeeper" on DVD menu)
11. DVD 2 credits
DVD 2 Bonus: Feist's 2011-11-10 (2 days after this show) Los Angeles, CA "Jimmy Kimmel Live" performance.
I messed up on the video size in the bonus part, but rather than delete it from the project already saved to PC, I left it. I'll include it in its correct, native size in my second "Feist Compilations" DVD. The first compilations DVD, "Feist Compilations DVD 1", I posted here shortly after this show.
FileFactory Links:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -
Part 8 -
Dime torrent -
NOTE: I created a torrent and posted it on Dime. If your a Dime member, you'll know what to do. If not, sign up for a free account and READ THE RULES. Go to for their home page. And remember to keep your sharing ratio at 0.25% or higher so as to not get banned. It's a much faster download almost
always! Now, back to the original blog post.
Here are a few tracks from the video (19 minutes worth). Any added effects, such as transitions between songs and periodic song titles at the bottom of the screen, are NOT on the DVD and were just for this YouTube upload. I hate crunching audio and video down to miniscule sizes!
I hope that those who download the show enjoy it.
Until next upload...
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